Sunday, February 24, 2019

Definition of Grievance

Grievance refers to any dissatisfaction or sense of injustice which is felt by an employee in relation to his pay, working conditions, leave, recoveries of dues or other aspects of employment. Broadly speaking, “a grievance is any dissatisfaction that adversely affects organizational relations and productivity.”1 Grievance may sometimes be expressed and sometimes not. Even sometimes, it may not be valid also. The grievance arises when the employee feels that something’s happening or going to happen unfair and unjust to him in the organization. 

Complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotions, seniority, work assignment, and discharge would constitute grievance. Where the points at dispute are of general applicability or considerable magnitude, they will fall outside the scope of this procedure.

However, some type of grievances may be beneficial for the organizations, as it may direct the attention of management towards improving the working conditions, incentive plans, leave plans etc. When grievances, generally, minor one are not expressed by the employees they just accumulate and lead to major conflicts inside the organization such as lockouts, strikes or any other collective disputes. Therefore, proper administration of grievance and grievance handling is necessary in an organization as unattended grievances may lead to frustration, low productivity, increase rate of absenteeism, feeling of discontent etc.

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