Organization and Management Question, December, 2013

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Monday, May 26, 2014 | 0 comments

Banking Diploma Examination— December, 2013
[N. B.- Answer any five questions]

1. a) What is meant by management organization?
b) Distinguish between formal and informal organization.
c) State the differences between entrepreneur and intrapreneur.

2. a) What do you understand by Human Resource Development? Why is it necessary?
b) Discuss briefly the HRD evaluation steps.
c) Describe the ethical issues involved in conducting HRD evaluation.

3. a) 'Management is based on environment.'- Discuss.
b) Discuss the elements of internal and external environment of an organization.

4. a) Define group. Explain the five-stage group development model.
b) Define roles. What are the different issues associated with roles? Explain.
c) When and why group decisions are effective?

5. a) What is meant by business ethics'?
b) What ethical guidelines should a bank manager follow?
c) What is meant by code of conduct?

6. a) Discuss the nature and importance of the lowest level of management.
b) What is meant by span of supervision?
c) What factors are to be considered in determining the optimum span of supervision?

7. a) "Co-ordination is not a separate of management. It is the essence of management”--- Explain
b) Following Harold Koontz, justify the induction of staffing as a function of management.
c) Fallowing Henri Fayol, distinguish between unity of command and unity of direction.

8. a) Distinguish between intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict.
b) Discuss the principles of human resource management.
c) Distinguish between morale and motivation and explain their impact on employee behavior.

9. a) Explain the concept of social responsibility.
b) Discuss the ways of promoting social responsibility.
c) "The managers of business organizations have responsibility to the interest groups and not society at large”- Do you agree? Explain your answer.

10. a) Define recruitment and selection.
b) Briefly discuss the steps in a selection procedure.
c) The process of job analysis generates three outcomes job description, job specification and job evaluation.

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