Management is getting things done through other people-Explain the statement

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Monday, May 26, 2014 | 0 comments

A simple definition of management that is often quoted and it sounds very simple. According to this definition, managers do not do things they get other people to do things. If managing is an individual ability to get things done, then it is not a problem. We can plan and perform things according to our own convince and interests. When somebody else is involved and wants to get things done through them, there is a difficulty. All sorts of problems arise; personalities come into contact and conflict.

Interpersonal problems crop up. We have to understand the behavior of other people and must have knowledge as to how to motivate them in order to get things done through them. We have to consider the conveniences and interest of others also in planning and implementing things.

In getting things done through others, people have to be coaxed, they have to be shown, they have to inspired, they have to be motivated and this is what management means. These activities are performed not only by the people at the top but from the chairman of the board to the front line supervisors and foremen. They use the above mentioned methods to get things done through other people.

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