Characteristics of an Ideal Performance Management System
Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Saturday, June 13, 2015 | 0 comments
following is a set of characteristics that is likely to allow a performance
management system to be successful. Practical constraints may not allow for the
implementation of all these features.
However, we
should strive to place a check mark next to each of these characteristics, as
the more features that are checked, the more likely it is that the system will
live up to its promise.
The system
should be congruent with the unit’s and organization’s strategy. In other
words, individual goals must be aligned with unit and organizational goals.
The system
should be thorough regarding four dimensions. All employees should be
evaluated; all major job responsibilities should be evaluated, the entire
review period, and not just the few weeks/months before the review, on positive
aspects as well as those in need of improvement.

The system must be
meaningful in several ways. First, the standards and evaluations conducted for
each job function must be considered important and relevant. Second,
performance assessment must emphasis only those functions under the control of
the employee. Third, evaluations must take place at regular intervals and at
appropriate moments. Fourth, the system should provide for continuing skill
development of evaluators. Finally, the results should be used for important
personnel decisions.
A good system should be
specific, meaning that it should provide detailed and concrete guidance to
employees about what is expected of them and how they can meet these
Identification of
effective and ineffective performance
The performance
management system should provide information allowing for the identification of
effective and ineffective performance. That is, the system should allow for
distinguishing between effective and ineffective behaviors and results, thereby
also allowing for the identification of employees displaying various levels of
performance effectiveness.
A good system should
include measures of performance that are consistent and free of error. For
example, if two supervisors provided ratings of the same employee and performance
dimensions, ratings would be similar.
The measures of
performance should also be valid. In this context, measures are relevant (i.e.,
include all critical performance facets), are not deficient (i.e., do not leave
any important aspects out), and are not contaminated (i.e., do not include
factors outside the control of the employee).
Acceptability and
A good system is
acceptable to and perceived as fair by all participants. Perceptions of
fairness are subjective, and the only way to know whether a system is seen as
fair is to ask the participants.
Good systems include
input from multiple sources on an ongoing basis.
First, the evaluation
process must represent the concerns of all the people who will be affected by
the outcome. Consequently, employees must participate in the process of
creating the system by providing input regarding what behaviors and/or results
will be measured and how.
Second, employee input
about their performance should be gathered from the employees themselves before
the appraisal meeting.19
Good systems have no
secrets. First, performance is evaluated frequently, and performance feedback
is provided on an ongoing basis. So employees are continually informed of their
performance. Second, the appraisal meeting consists of a two-way communication
process, where information is exchanged and not just delivered from the
supervisor to the employee. Third, standards should be clear and communicated
on an ongoing basis. Finally, communications are factual, open and honest.
Correct ability
The process of assigning
ratings should minimize subjective aspects. However, it is virtually impossible
to create a completely objective system because human judgment is an important
component of the evaluation process.
Good systems are
standardized. This means that performance is evaluated consistently across
people and time. To achieve this goal, the ongoing training of the individuals
in charge of appraisals, usually managers, is a must.
Good systems comply with ethical standards. This means that the supervisor suppresses her personal self-interest in providing evaluations. In addition, the supervisor evaluates only performance dimensions for which she has sufficient information, while respecting the privacy of the employee.
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