Steps/ Measures taken by Bangladesh Bank for SME Development

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Sunday, June 22, 2014 | 0 comments

Bangladesh Bank has already introduced several schemes and programs to flourish and expand SME Enterprises. Refinance scheme funded by Bangladesh Bank, IDA and ADB has been facilitated for the development of SME Sector. Besides, to ensure institutional financial facilities under easy conditions Bangladesh Bank has taken diverse steps; like opening of ‘Dedicated Desk’ for SME and ‘SME Service Centre’ in the banks and special facilities for the women entrepreneurs. But reality is that expected outcome has not been achieved so far in this sector.

In the back drop of recent global recession and changed circumstances, it has become essential to include all segments of people in the growth process through facilitating credit to the sectors where less attention has been given due to present market mechanism, specially, in agriculture and SME sector. Reasonably, a new department namely ‘SME and Special Programmes Department’ has been established in Bangladesh Bank recently which will be solely responsible for policy formulation, facilitating fund, monitoring and development of entrepreneurship in the SME sector.

The guidelines formulated by the newly created department for compliance of the banks and financial institutions for the development of SME sector are enumerated below:

Target for SME loan disbursement
For the first time in Bangladesh, an indicative target for SME loan disbursement has been set for 2010 by the banks and financial institutions considering SME development as one of the most important development agenda of the country. According to the target, SME loan shall be disbursed to the small, medium and women entrepreneurs.

Following the 'Area Approach Method'
Following the 'Area Approach Method' banks/financial institutions will try to attain their indicative targets separately by dividing it as branch wise, region wise & sector wise.

Separate business strategy in financing SME
Each bank/financial institution shall follow a separate business strategy in financing SME loan with least formalities in executing documentation to ensure easy and speedy loan sanction and disbursement process.

Priority given to small entrepreneurs
Priority shall be given to small entrepreneurs.

Small entrepreneurs credit limit
For small entrepreneurs credit limit will be ranged from Tk. 50,000 (Fifty thousand) to Tk. 50,00,000 (Fifty lac).

SME credit disbursement to women entrepreneurs
For more participation of women entrepreneurs in industrial development of the country and for conducting business activities by women entrepreneurs in large number, priority shall have to be given to potential women entrepreneurs in respect of SME credit disbursement.

Highest priority in receiving loan application from women entrepreneurs

Banks & Financial Institutions shall put highest priority in receiving loan application from small and medium women entrepreneurs and settle the loan disbursement process within very reasonable time from the date of acceptance of the application.

Separate ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ Dedicated Desk’
Each bank and financial institution shall establish a separate ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ Dedicated Desk’ with necessary and suitable manpower, provide them training on SME financing and suiltably appoint a lady officer as chief of dedicated desk. Branch wise list of ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ Dedicated Desk ‘should be sent to SME and Special Programs Department of Bangladesh Bank within two months from the date of declaration of this policy and programme.

Loan to women entrepreneurs against personal guarantee
Banks and financial institutions may sanction up to Tk. 25,00,000 to women entrepreneurs against personal guarantee. In that case, group security/social security may be considered.

Considered as yardstick for new branches
The success in SME loan disbursement will be considered as yardstick for further approval of new branches of the concerned bank. License for New Branches will be issued for financing the priority sectors like SME and agriculture from 2010 in the name of ‘SME/Agriculture Branch’ instead of ‘SME Service Centre; in order to involve banks in financing priority sector like SME and Agriculture’.

Fixing the interest rate
Each bank/financial institution shall fix the interest rate on SME loan sector/sub-sector wise. However, bank/financial institution will inform Bangladesh Bank sector/sub-sector wise rate of interest immediately and ensure disbursement of refinanced fund to the clients (women entrepreneurs) at Bank rate +5% interests.

Training programs
Training programs shall be arranged for the entrepreneurs.

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