Problems of Foreign Trade in Bangladesh

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 | 0 comments

There are some Problems of Foreign Trade in Bangladesh. These are:-
Legal Constraints:

The first and the foremost problems in foreign exchange operations arise due to legal constraints. Since foreign trade indicates exchange of goods and services between two countries and each country has its own laws, rules and regulations, which are different from other countries, so problems arise in foreign exchange operations.

Geographical Location:
From the geographical viewpoint, Bangladesh is not located in such a place to trade vigorously. We have encompassed by India from three sides. And India enjoys a strong industrial base compared to us. Due to economy of scale India can produce the same quality products at a cheaper price. So this is a problem in foreign exchange operation.
Limited Skilled Manpower:
Performing the foreign exchange activities is a very tough job because it involves proper communication with the client, various banks of the country as well as abroad. A single error may cost thousands of dollars. In Bangladesh there is limited skilled manpower, who can understand and handle the foreign exchange dealings well.

Limited Export Base:
Bangladesh has a very limited export base. It does not have the sufficient supply of raw materials needed to use in the production process. If Bangladesh has the local raw materials, it would be able to use them in the production process. But unfortunately the country has to import the raw materials required in various production processes. As a result, production cost increases and a consumer has to spend more to avail that particular product.

Lack of Stable Policy:
Policy and structure are an integral part of any kind of operation. It will suggest us how to perform the operation. But if the policy continues to change frequently it is not easy to plan and perform also. With the changes of Government new policies are formed, which is very difficult to cope with. It is hard for the business organizations and businessmen to settle themselves. They are always deviated from the old track, and have to run after the new track. This is another problem of our country.

Political Instability:
Another major problem to conduct foreign exchange business is the political instability of a country, as the political stability is essential for smooth foreign exchange operations.

Problems in UCPDC Guidelines:
According to the Article – 4 of the Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credit (UCPDC), all parties concerned with L/C must deal with documents not with goods. This may cause problem, as the bank must have to make payment after the presentations of necessary documents, whether or not the goods are delivered to the importer.

Absence of Policy, Rules and Regulations of Foreign Exchange Operations as per Islamic Shariah:
There is no international Policy, Rules and Regulations of Islamic Banking Regarding Foreign Exchange Operations, so the Islami Banks has to face problems in foreign exchange operations.

Absence of Islami Money Market:
There is no Islami money market in Bangladesh as well as in the world to deal with Foreign Exchange Operations.

Other Problem:
Whenever an importer comes to the bank to issue a L/C in his favor, he has to deposit a certain amount, known as “L/C margin”. After receiving of the export documents from the exporter the importer pays the rest amount. But up to this time this L/C margin amount is kept by the bank without giving any return to the importer, so it is a loss for the client. He could invest this money anywhere else and could earn some return. The importer adds this loss this loss with his production cost so the product price goes up that has to borne by the ultimate customers.

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