"Collecting Banker as an Agent of the Customer"-Explain the Statement
Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Sunday, June 14, 2015 | 0 comments
When a collecting banker acts as an agent of the customer, he
credits the latter’s account with the amount of the cheque after the proceeds
of the cheque are actually collected from the drawee banker. The customer can
draw the amount after his account is credited with the proceeds. In such a
case, banker acts as an agent of his customer and does not get better title to
the cheque than that of the customer. If the title of the customer is
defective, the banker will run the risk of being liable to the true owner if it
collects the cheque. If the cheque collected by the banker does not belong to
his customer, the banker will be liable for ‘conversion of money’ or in other
words, for illegally interfering with the rights of the true owner of the

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