Discuss the Forms of Grievances.

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Sunday, February 24, 2019 | 0 comments

There may be three forms of grievances in an organization such as-

1. Factual: 
When an employee is dissatisfied with his employment because of legitimate or genuine reasons such as violation of employment contract by the employers or unfulfilling of any other factual needs. The grievance is regarded as factual. 

2. Imaginary: 
When an employee is dissatisfied with his employment because of a wrong perception, wrong attitude or wrong information, it gives rise to imaginary grievance. Though for such case the management is not liable but still the responsibility to resolve the problem rests with it. 

3. Disguised: 
The dissatisfaction among employees in such case may be due to the reasons that are not known to the employees themselves. This dissatisfaction may be due to the pressure from other directions like family, friends, neighbors etc. The manager himself has to detect such grievances and resolve them through counseling the related employee. 
Forms of Grievances.

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