Punishments for Unfair Means @ JAIBB and DAIBB Examination

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Sunday, February 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Punishments prescribed by the Council of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh for offences committed by examinees in JAIBB and DAIBB Examinations. Sl. No. Offence Punishment

01. Copying from books, notes, etc. in the examination hall.
(i) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(ii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent two examinations.

02. Copying from the answer script of another examinee or allowing others to copy from one’s own answer script.
(i) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(ii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent two examinations.

03. Smuggling in and out, of question paper/script, in the original or solved form/shape/condition.
(i) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(ii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent two examinations.

04. Tearing of script in disgust/frustration/anger or for any other reason.
Expulsion from the entire examination and cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination.

05. Committing fraud/forgery/alteration in the script.
(i) Expulsion from the entire examination ;
(ii) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(iii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent four examinations.

06. Misbehavior with the invigilating staff or any other act of indiscipline in or outside the examination hall.
(i) Expulsion from the entire examination ;
(ii) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(iii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent four examinations.

07. Impersonation with and without substituting photograph on the admit card and writing for other candidates.
(i) Expulsion from the entire examination;
(ii) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination;
(iii) Debarring both the persons involved, if they are examinees, from appearing at the subsequent ten examinations; and
(iv) Filing of criminal case by the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh if the accused person is an outsider.

08. Escaping away with answer script.
(i) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination ; and
(ii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent two examinations.

09. Disobedience/violation of orders of the Supervising Officer/hall Superintendent/ invigilators e.g. refusal to surrender books/incriminating papers, to take seats according to seat arrangement, etc.
(i) Expulsion from the entire examination;
(ii) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination; and
(iii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent five examinations.

10. Physical assault on the invigilators/ supervising officer/hall Superintendent /other staff on duty in the examination hall.
(i) Expulsion from the entire examination;
(ii) Cancellation of examination in all the subjects of the said examination;
(iii) Debarment from appearing at the subsequent ten examinations; and
(iv) Filing of criminal case against the examinee by the IBB.

11. Indulgence in disturbance/rowdyism/ provocation/agitation/walk out/causing damage to furniture and property in or around the examination hall.
-Filing of criminal case against the examinee by the IBB.

12. Possession of fire arms or anything capable of being used as a weapon of offence in or around the examination hall.
-Filing of criminal case against the examinee by the IBB.

13. Commission of any of the above mentioned offences for the second time.
-Any punishment awarded by the Syllabus and Examination Committee according to the nature and gravity of the offence.

14. Any other infringement of rules.
-Any punishment awarded by the Syllabus and Examination Committee according to the nature and gravity of the offence.

In addition to the above-mentioned punishments, the Syllabus & Examination Committee may recommend appropriate disciplinary actions, depending upon the gravity of the offences, to the respective banks/financial institutions of the examinees concerned.

NB: The aforesaid actions to be taken by the IBB will be reported to the employer of the candidate concerned for information and further disciplinary action against him/her.

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