What are the Internal Sources of recruitment?

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | 0 comments

In the case of internal source, the selection of candidates for the jobs will be done from among the existing employees of the organization. Preference may also be given to the family members, relatives or friends of the existing employees. If the employer believes in the proverb ‘known devil is better than an unknown angel’ he will rely on the internal source. The following are the ways of filling up vacancies internally:
(i) Transfer
(ii) Promotion

These are discussed below:
(i) Transfer:
This is probably the easiest approach to filling up a vacancy. If a particular department has a couple of surplus staff and another department is short staffed, the surplus staff may be transferred to that other department. Such an approach avoids the need to dispense with surplus staff (called ‘retrenchment’) in one place and make fresh recruitment in another place of the organization.

(ii) Promotion:
Usually, when a vacancy arises at a higher level in an organization, it is filled up by elevating a person who comes next in the organizational hierarchy. For example, if the post of Sales Manager is vacant, the senior most sales officer may be appointed for the post. In turn, an experienced salesman may be made the sales officer.

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