Short Notes on- Office order

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Thursday, June 4, 2015 | 0 comments

Office order is a means of internal communication within an organization. The term 'order' generally means telling subordinates to do or refrain from doing a specific job. But' passing an order high level executives want their subordinates carry out the order. When a message is conveyed as an order, it means that it carries a stamp of authority with it and has to be accepted. The high level executives circulate office order to the employees. Order is generally issued for posting of employees, promotion, suspension, transfer, and discharge from job, sanction or recession of yearly increment, imposing rules and regulations, enforcing certain rules or course of action etc.

An office order descends from the top of the organizational structure down to the employees for execution. Since office 'order is a formal course of action, it should preferably be written.

Office order is a sensible part of communication. Its subject matter should be well thought, organized, meaningful and attached with reasonable interpretation so that no unpleasant situation grows in the enterprise. It should be relevant, concise, easy to understand and issued with proper authority and interpretation.

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