8th Pay Scale Gazette by the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh will publish after few hours. You cand download this gazette from this site after publishing the gazette. Government same Government employees are facilities in this pay scale. There is no 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd and 4th class employee’s category in this 8th pay scale gazette. The 8th...
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Management Accounting Math Solution for DAIBB Banking Diploma Examination Management Accounting Math Solution (Break Even Math) Management Accounting Math Solution (Break Even Math-2) ...
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Math Solutions,
81 Banking Diploma Examination Result will be published soon in the Official site of Institute of Bankers Bangladesh. The 81 JAIBB and DAIBB examination was held in June, 2015. You can get result of 81 Banking Diploma Examination in this page. Keep your eyes always in this site, in any time of this month, the result will be...
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The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB) has decided a new way of form fill-up for attending JAIBB and DAIBB exam. The candidates don’t require collecting printed form from IBB. From now the candidate has to collect the registration and examination form from Institute’s website. The details are as follows: ...
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A collecting banker is holder for value if he gives the value of the cheque in any form to its customer before collecting the proceeds of the cheque deposited by the latter. He does not remain an agent of the customer, but becomes the owner of the cheque in his own right since he has paid value for...
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Law Study Materials
Collecting banker means the banker who collects the cheques and bills on behalf of the customers. In other words, every crossed cheque is necessarily to be collected through any bank, which is known as collecting banker. As Sir John Paget has rightly said “Looking at the restriction on the encashment of crossed cheques, save through a bank and...
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Law Study Materials
When a collecting banker acts as an agent of the customer, he
credits the latter’s account with the amount of the cheque after the proceeds
of the cheque are actually collected from the drawee banker. The customer can
draw the amount after his account is credited with the proceeds. In such a
case, banker acts as an agent of his customer and does not get better title to
the cheque than that of the customer. If the title of the customer is
defective, the banker will run the risk of being liable to the true owner if it
collects the cheque. If the cheque collected by the banker does not belong to
his customer, the banker will be liable for ‘conversion of money’ or in other
words, for illegally interfering with the rights of the true owner of the
As an agent of the customer, the collecting banker is a mere “conduit
pipe to receive payment of the cheque from the bank on which it is drawn and
holds the proceeds at the disposal of the customer.” Like any other agent, the
banker has to perform his duties diligently for the customer who has paid in
his cheques. If he delays or does not exercise the normal skills expected, he
will be liable to his customer. It has been held that the reasonable time would
be presenting the cheque within one day after the receipt thereof where the
cheque is drawn on a bank in the same place, or forwarding or presenting it on
the day following the receipt thereof where the cheque is drawn on a bank in
another place. After the expiry of reasonable time, the customer paying in the
cheque for collection is entitled to presume that it has been collected and the
proceeds thereof credited to his account.
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Law Study Materials
Section 131 of the Negotiable Instruments Act provides protection to a collecting banker who receives payment of a crossed cheque or draft on behalf of his customers. According to Section 131 of the Act “a banker who has, in good faith and without negligence, received payment for a customer of a cheque crossed generally or specially to himself...
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Law Study Materials
The duties and responsibilities of a collecting banker are discussed below: 1. Due care and diligence in the collection of cheque. 2. Serving notice of dishonor. 3. Agent for collection. 4. Remittance of proceeds to the customer. 5. Collection of bill of exchange. 1. Due Care and Diligence in the Collection of Cheques: The collecting banker is bound...
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Law Study Materials
Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the human resources in an organization. Basically we are trying to figure out how well employees perform and then to ultimately improve that performance level. When used correctly, performance management is a systematic analysis and measurement of worker performance (including communication of that assessment to the...
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Management Study Materials
The following is a set of characteristics that is likely to allow a performance management system to be successful. Practical constraints may not allow for the implementation of all these features. However, we should strive to place a check mark next to each of these characteristics, as the more features that are checked, the more likely it is...
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Management Study Materials
The information collected by a performance management system is most frequently used for salary administration, performance feedback and the identification of employee strengths and weaknesses. In general, however, performance management systems can serve the following purposes: (a) strategic, (b) administrative, (c) information, (d) developmental, (e) organizational maintenance, and (f) documentation. Let’s consider each of these purposes in turn....
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Management Study Materials
Some of the negative consequences associated with low-quality and poorly implemented systems. These are discussed below: 1. Employees may quit due to results. If the process is not seen as fair, employees may become upset and leave the organization. They can leave physically (i.e., quit) or withdraw psychologically (i.e., minimize their effort until they are able to find...
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Management Study Materials
There are many advantages associated with the implementation of a performance management system. A performance management system can make the following important contributions:3 1. Motivation to perform is increased. Receiving feedback about one’s performance increases the motivation for future performance. Knowledge about how one is doing and recognition of one’s past successes provide the fuel for future accomplishments....
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Management Study Materials
Although the terms ‘Administration’ and ‘Management’ may appear to be similar, they are actually different. In our daily conversation we use the two terms interchangeably. Administration is concerned with laying down suitable policies for the whole concern whereas management will simply execute these. Administrators are the owners of the business. Managers, on the other hand, are the salaried...
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Management Study Materials
A business Organization is a group of people associated to earn profit. Various kinds of activities have to be performed by the people of an organization so as to earn profit. These activities need an effective and systematic communication. Without efficient communication, one cannot even imagine to do work and hence will be unable to earn profit. Since...
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Business Communication Study Materials,